Our Sponsors

What TYC Does

Youth Representation
Creating opportunities for young people to sit on youth forums and decision making bodies locally, regionally and internationally on relevant issues of youth.

Capacity Building and Leadership Training
Training our community leaders to be better able to deliver youth development services through institutional training program

Education, Sensitization and Awareness
Through hosting public lectures, seminars and the use of social media, the organization engages in information dissemination and awareness building around critical social issues affecting different groupings of young people.

Community Mobilization
Through our work, the TYC partners with various communities to organize and mobilize young people around different issues and create frameworks for action so as to positively affect the relevant issues

The organization has organized and been supported in various activities that have sought to create national lobbies on issues such as the National Youth Policy, National Youth Council, governance and youth participation and mainstreaming among other issues.

Thematic Issues
Through the development of different activities and programming, the TYC has successfully designed and implemented various interventions that have sought to address various social issues including violence reduction, employment and entrepreneurship, HIV/AIDS and STIs, Health, climate change and disaster management among other issues.